Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/01/10
November 1, 2010—Issue #59
This week’s focus point: Tomorrow will be a dramatic election day in the US. No matter what your party or affiliation or independence, one can only wonder why those in office aren't constantly striving to improve the lives of their constituency so that re-election is assured. Even an anti-incumbent mood shouldn't threaten those incumbents who have clearly represented their voters' best interests. As consultants, we need to focus on our clients' best interests, and not our fee, or the project, or the deliverables. Are the buyers (the voters) happy? Do we have a trusting relationship? Would they refer us to others? “What have you done for me lately?” is a dangerous question for a politician or a consultant.
Monday Morning Perspective: Claims made by scientists, in contrast to those made by movie critics or theologians, can be separated from the scientists who make them. It isn't important to know who Issac Newton was. He discovered that force is equal to mass times acceleration. He was an antisocial, crazy person who wanted to burn down his parents' house. But force is still equal to mass times acceleration. — Dr. Kary Mullis, winner of the Nobel Prize for chemistry.
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