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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/02/15

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/02/15

Here in the Northeastern U.S. we have vibrant autumns with the trees a riot of colors. Visitors flock to the region, and we natives never grow tired of the kaleidoscopic sight. We leave the summer's green through the prism of fall and enter into winter's white.

No one is depressed because leaves have died. They are cleaned up and the trees live on.

We should emulate nature in our lives and careers. We need to shed the old—habits, acquaintances, memberships, routines—if we are to grow in the future. Too many of us try to cling to everything we've ever done, leaving no room for new growth. I believe in “real time evolution”: the idea that we should improve, learn, and contribute more and more as we mature. The concept of “evergreen” is wonderful, but the most impressive trees change and grow with the seasons.

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
— Henry David Thoreau

Change the Life You Have Into the Life You Want: Receive two videos a month with people being coached, exercises, and discussions, with the option of access to me and a free entire day in Boston midway through the year's experience. Begins November 1: http://www.alanweiss.com/store/online-learning/how-to-change-the-life-you-have-into-the-life-you-want/

Million Dollar Consulting® College: A small group in a great property with my personal coaching to dramatically improve business. Two seats remain for December: http://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/million-dollar-consulting-college-december./

Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: In LA in March, the best such conference in the world. My featured guest is Marshall Goldsmith, and we have an all-star faculty: http://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/million-dollar-consulting-convention/

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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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