Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/5/12
November 5, 2012—Issue #163
This week's focus point: Tomorrow is voting day in the U.S. for most of us (some have voted early, some will vote by absentee ballot, and some won't vote). There are countries which require voting–about two dozen where it is compulsory, but enforced in only half. Those which require it and apparently enforce it include Australia, Brazil, and Singapore. We regard voting as a privilege and a right in the U.S., and while I've always had respect for those with different views from my own, I've never respected those who vehemently proclaim they're not voting. We have two very different views of the country represented in this election during very tough economic times for many. I'd remind you that Al Gore would have been President had he carried his home state of Tennessee and/or had a few more votes in Florida. We can make a difference. The polls are open early and late. Make your voice heard. Because, ultimately, there is no one else to praise or blame–we get the kind of government we deserve.
Monday Morning Perspective: To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people is a chimerical idea. — Thomas Jefferson
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