Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/16/13
September 16, 2013—Issue #208
This week's focus point: In the not too distant future, there will be three U.S. newspapers: the Times, Wall Street Journal, and USAToday, and people will read their local edition thereof. Broadcast TV is losing to cable which in turn will lose to computer access to varied programming. Education will move increasingly out of traditional schools and into cyberspace and the home. The extended family will continue to decline just when it's most needed for care of the elderly. You may disagree with my predictions, of course. But in terms of change in your career and life, it's better to be trying to set the trend rather than madly chasing after it. Who thought I'd be live-streaming to thousands instead of physically being in a room with a hundred? I'm always surprised by how stupid I was two weeks ago.
Monday Morning Perspective: You are here for four years; I am here for life; the university is here forever. — Henry Rosovsky, Harvard Dean
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