Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/9/13
September 9, 2013—Issue #207
This week's focus point: Latvians, looking to strike back at Russia for state-sponsored homophobia, chose to boycott Stolichnaya vodka. The only problem is that Stoli is made in Latvia, not Russia! They launched a boycott on a local product by accident–because they saw what they thought was an easy target. These “backfires” happen quite often, because we assume cause and effect, act on invalid beliefs, or allow haste to trump accuracy. We blame a family member or a neighbor, the boss or the client, the government or the weather. Personally and professionally, it's wise to ensure you're taking action against a real cause, using a real lever, creating a desired effect. Walking out on the ice with a flame thrower is one thing, but when you turn it on and then point it downward, you're going to sink. Have a drink of Stoli first, and consider your options.
Monday Morning Perspective: I'd lost the great talent I once had through years of easy repetition. — Eugene O'Neill
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