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An Abundance of….

An Abundance of….

We had four inches of snow overnight while the media weather gurus were, of course, predicting much more, and schools were closing, pickups delayed, deliveries postponed, and so forth. A lot of people cancelled important appointments and meetings, and businesses planned to close. In reality, the streets are clean and it should be business as (pandemic) usual.

“An abundance of caution” has become a paralyzing, toxic linguistic piece of deception to justify passivity, timidity, and fear. We need to be bolder in life. I would bet that I don't have mail out in the box from yesterday because the postal service, in an “abundance of caution,” ignores its own motto and stops delivering in a snow shower or “gloom of night.” Meanwhile, my newspaper guy had my papers at the door by 5:30 am, using his economy, rear-wheel drive car.

What we need, folks, more than ever these days, is “an abundance of optimism.” The sky isn't falling. But it seems our chutzpah is.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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