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Are You Feeling What I Feel?

Are You Feeling What I Feel?

Be sensitive to the fact that on many occasions, you're trying to influence, cajole, argue with or otherwise obtain something from a person who simply isn't as bright or capable as you are. That person may be a gate agent, an acquisitions editor, a customer “care” representative, a government functionary at the DMV, or someone serving on a non-profit board with you. Just because you're interacting with them doesn't mean they're peers or equals. They may well be nice people, but just not as sharp.

Consequently, it's very important to make an emotional case for what you need. An intellectual case may be lost on them (“There's no reason for it, it's just our policy”), or threatening (“I don't know if I can do that myself”) or burdensome (“How long is this going to take me?”). But an emotional case will stand a far better chance of acceptance (“I can make this right for a person treated poorly”) and gain empathy (“I remember when this happened to me and someone helped”).

The heart of a sale is the willingness to involve the heart and not just the brain.

© Alan Weiss 2017

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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