Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 08/24/2022
Lachrymal: Connected with weeping. “There was a lachrymal sentiment among the guests at the closing of the restaurant.”
Your Highness
What politicians seem not to understand is that when they begin every speech with the clichéd, "What the American people need
A Minute With Alan™ — Hotel Madness
August 23rd, 2022 I want a wrangler. I want somebody with a special baseball cap that has my name on it.
I heard a guy who received an important, major award say, "I've been nominated for this for 14 years and wanted it very badly. When I stopped wanting it so much because I realized it wasn't really necessary to validate
A Minute With Alan™ — The Squirrel
August 22nd, 2022 I want to hire that squirrel.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/22/2022
Somewhere around the ages of 8-12 I did what all the boys did in our urban setting. We tried out for Little League. (When you were older, it was the Babe Ruth League.) This was a rite of passage in
The Greatest Benefit of Social Media
I have to admit that the ability to hit a button and block people from ever communicating with you again through social media is like a powerful narcotic. I have to be careful not to "overdose" when someone merely disagrees
House of Dragging On?
Are you going to watch House of the Dragon, which is the "prequel" to Game of Thrones on HBO Max? I thought the last several seasons of Game of Thrones were dreadful (they were no longer on R.R. Martin's books). The
A Minute With Alan™ — Creating Comfort
August 19th, 2022 Surround yourself with comfort and beauty and things that make you happy.