This Is the Last Straw
The owner of the local coffee shop gave me a straw with my iced coffee, but warned me (as he consistently does), "You didn't get this from me, I could be fined $25 if one of the inspectors came in
A Minute with Alan® — The New Boyfriend
May 8th, 2024 The new boyfriend trick: think about it.
Barely There
The various entertainment award shows brought out the usual haute couture on the "red carpets" and now the Met Gala, the over-the-top museum party in New York, has done the same on a "green carpet." The commonality is the women trying
A Minute with Alan® — Academic Metrics
May 7th, 2024 This episode is on academic metrics.
Help, I Need Somebody!
If you're not doing as well as you believe you should growing your business, look inward, not outward. It's not the economy, technology, competition, generational change, or climate change, it's you. Find out what you can be doing to improve
A Minute with Alan® — Respect
May 6th, 2024 People don’t respect their customers.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/06/2024
My German Shepherd, Royce, has learned to open the gate leading from the pool to the front of the house by standing on his back legs (he’s taller than my wife when he does this) and pulling down on the
Success Is Not A Mystery
Some people feel that asking questions in a public setting set them aside as less intelligent. Some people feel that asking questions in a public setting is what educates and improves them and others. Guess who succeed more?
How to Meet Standards Every Time
Have you noticed that airplanes are now arriving well ahead of time in most cases? The longer the flight, the greater the degree. Not long ago I flew coast to coast and arrived 50 minutes ahead of schedule! We recently flew
Come On, Man! Here’s What I See
One of the oldest but most accurate apothegms is that "actions speak louder than words." In organizational life, I've observed that people don't believe what they read or what they're told, they believe what they see. The major media have just