I love the fact that my newspaper delivery guy, who delivers 352 days a year in all kinds of weather (his ten-year-old sedan apparently can handle heavy snow at 5am better than the post office trucks can handle even light
A Minute with Alan® — Violence in Congress
December 1st, 2023 This kind of violence is not unusual.
The Fallacy of the Pinball Wizard
The more your career progresses, the more you become a thought leader or icon or avatar, the more people will critique you. This is a sign of success, not failure. There's no sense critiquing people who are minor players and also-rans.
A Minute with Alan® — The Snow Plower
November 30th, 2023 Think of what happens when you try to unethically squeeze somebody for more money.
A Minute with Alan® — The Duck
November 29th, 2023 You don’t learn to ride a bike by reading a book.
I'm in a suite in a luxury hotel in DC and, like so many other such places, the lighting is insufficient to shave well (and I'd imagine to put on makeup well), and the multitude of lights work off a
A Minute with Alan® — Revenge
November 28th, 2023 This is lunacy.
Looking Glass
Here is my favorite line from the agonizingly long series "Suits" after six of eight seasons: "It's odd that you are totally unself-aware but when I hold a mirror in front of you then you can see all your flaws."