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Babysitting in New York

Babysitting in New York

We’re spending the weekend in my daughter’s condo watching the granddaughters and cat while she and her husband are in Florida at a wedding.

It’s been glorious thus far, temperature in the 70s. I was able to get my hair cut by Toshi at the John Barrett Salon in Bergdorf Goodman, where I’ve gone for over a decade. Toshi has one of the finest views of Central Park around. I arrived early, so I hung out at the park for a while, watching the runners, the horses, and the dogs.

Later, we all (sans cat) visited the omnipresent street fair that shuts down Sixth Avenue for a half-mile at a time. They sell everything, from crepes to pickles, and clothing to cosmetics. They were selling scuba lessons and “Kiehl’s for Dogs” (I kid you not). My favorite baby tee-shirt: “Don’t pacify me, I want food.” Favorite adult tee-shirt: “I can only please one person per day. This isn’t your day. Tomorrow doesn’t look so good, either.”

Pictures of the kids to come, they were covered up like rare plants in a stroller that should require a license to operate.

Outside of Central Park

Inside of Central Park

Street Musicians Awaited

The View from Toshi's Station

Scenes from the street fair I

Scenes from the street fair II

The Pickle Man

Architecture on the lower West Side

The Empire State Building looms overhead

© Alan Weiss 2009. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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