Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 12/05/18
Today's word: arrogate.
DASM: TruGreen Gets Browner!
After revealing how horrible TruGreen service is and their refusal to talk to customers, on social media, the general manager actually called me. He told me that he can't control grass and turf! I told him he COULD control client
This Ain’t Right
Let's get this straight: The correct grammar is "should have run," not the idiotic, "should have ran." Sportscasters constantly use the latter including Troy Aikman a few days go. The correct grammar is "should have gone," not the execrable, "should have went."
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/03/18
I'm a voracious reader of everything from history to fiction, biographies to science, art to philosophy. I'm reading now Under the Knife by Arnold Van De Laar. He tells the story of 28 memorable operations through history along with the
Humanism or Humanity?
Linkedin had a posting about a "transhumanism" conference in Australia. I had to look up the term: "the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and
Dumb Ass Stupid Management: TruGreen Lawn Uncare
I used to use Scotts Lawn Care which took care of my lawns nicely. It's a big place. Then Scotts was purchased by TruGreen, one of the worst service firms I've ever experienced. Their treatments consistently make the lawns look worse
When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. That's the apothegm. When everything causes outrage, then nothing is really outrageous. I'm outraged when a hospital or insurance company withholds gravely needed care over money. I'm not outraged when a driver fails
A Post on Posts
Someone was reviewing my textual, audio, video, and electronic output. He was astonished. "You post on your blog every day," he asked, incredulous. "Yeah," I confirmed, "and I have two blogs, a public one and a private one for my community members." He was
Dissing Disruption
I'm as tired of hearing about disruption as I am about kale. Kale is tasteless and boring, and "disruption" is trite and yesterday. When we see "disruption" daily, it's not disruption, it's normal. The same for volatility. If the market shifts