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Brand Power and Buyer Ego

Brand Power and Buyer Ego

In most cases, when people “do you a favor” they're not merely being kind, they're receiving gratification from doing it. When people give you their business, it's not just an economic decision, they're receiving something from it. Behind every business objective is the fulfillment of a personal objective. Ultimately, people receive gratification from being embraced by your brand. There's no reason to drive a Bentley for transportation purposes or to wear Brioni for attire purposes other than the ego reward of so doing, of being associated with that brand.

“We're using McKinsey for our strategy work” has an “air cover” and “guarantee” about it (or at least it once did). Does doing business with you evoke a sense of pride in the client or prospect? That why you should always build your brand power.

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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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