More Stupid Stuff on Facebook
Just when you think it cannot get any stupider, a woman posts a couple of days ago that she's refusing to accept credit cards any more in her business, because the banks charging a percentage on them is unfair, and
I’m Crossing My Arms Here
The Boston Globe reported this morning that they've consulted with "body language experts" to decipher the meeting between Trump and Putin. I'm looking forward to their piece on "astrology experts" followed by "Loch Ness Monster experts." Whenever someone says they're reading my
People make decisions about spending money as if it's a finite resource and they'll never see it again. I'm shocked when people want to wait to invest in order to hold onto their money a little loner. Buy the car.
Dear Friend, Send Money
I just read a Facebook post by a guy who said his new book is coming out in a few months, but if you send him $20 now he'll send a digital copy, an autographed copy, and will include the
A Case for A SWAT Team?
On the outskirts of Providence, right next to Interstate 95, is a giant blue bug on the roof of an exterminating company. It's a termite, 427,000 times larger than life. (I am not making this up.) The company which was
The Pain of the Dentist
I visit every four months. I haven't had a cavity in ten years, my gums are in good shape, and thanks to the wonders of cosmetic dentistry, I have very straight, white teeth, which my parents couldn't afford to provide
Brother, Can You Spare A Fix?
A man in old but neat clothing walks up to us in New York as we exit Katz's Deli. "Can you spare a few dollars?" he asks. A woman with me says, "I can't give you any money, but I can offer
If You’re Proclaiming Good Health, Why Are You Driving Like A Moron?
I don't know why, but I've started thinking about bumper stickers. It's rare to find a car with just one. They usually come in multiple postings, ranging from politics to health food, from sports teams to mystical affirmations. It seems
Why the Loch Ness Monster Causes Global Warming, You Dumb $#@@&
The main utility of Facebook is that—when you read how little people know about history, or how needy they are to be liked, or how profanity replaces adjectives and nouns because of a lack of class, or you hear of
You Can’t Fix Stupid
A woman writes to tell me she loves my free weekly and monthly newsletters, but she doesn't like my occasional promotional mailings, so she has to unsubscribe. In other words, she feels it's appropriate for me to provide free, high