When I Know It’s Time to End the Conversation
Cognitive dissonance, conceptual: the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. Cognitive dissonance, actual: "I'm having my best year ever, I'm making tons of money. No, I can't afford to invest
Life’s Large Ironies
Does anyone find it even mildly ironic that Las Vegas casinos are reporting pre-pandemic business levels, and management is attributing it largely to the distribution of stimulus checks? I recall when the New Jersey casinos first opened and busloads of seniors
Speaking of Motivation
Are all those speakers who reduced their fees because they believed they weren't as valuable remotely as in person now expecting a return to a world where tens of millions continue to be spent on huge conferences where, basically, everyone
A Little Discomfort
Now people are trying to determine which vaccine has the least side effects after each shot! Get the damn vaccine shots wherever you can as soon as you can, take a day off after each one as a precaution. One
I Shudda Listened
My daughter made some money in college by tutoring the basketball players. One guy kept saying, "Shudda." She told him there was no such word, and that he meant, "Should have." He said there certainly is such a word, "Shuda." She told
Hey! You’re Parked More than 18 Inches from the Curb! Who Do You Think You Are??!!
In reading at random on social media, I find people who are outraged by supermarket cart that aren't returned to designated spots, waiting times on service calls being too long, drivers who don't signal when they change lanes, poor cell
Looking Through the Glass
Some glass is transparent. You can see through it. Some is translucent. You can see vaguely through it. And some glass in opaque. You can't see what's on the other side. When people have agendas (abortion, immigration, vaccination, the "right," the
Never Give Me Work, I Give You Work
"Failure work," in my definition, is work you have to do over because it was poorly done the first time. That can range from an email to a proposal, from fixing a garage shelf to painting a room. However, the worst
Take It Back!
Don't you love it when people scream at you that they're not defensive!