Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Off to Work We Go….
The vaunted "8-hour day" is a vestige of an 18th Century socialist mentality. Yet we timidly continue it as a metric for a productive "work day." In fact, people are proud to have exceeded it. (When you're dumb enough to
The Business Renaissance Continues
Business Strong U.S. Job Growth in March Fuels Optimism on Recovery By Ben Casselman The gain of 916,000 was the biggest since August, and unemployment fell to 6 percent. Barring a setback in fighting the virus, the outlook is bullish. This is from this
Reading in Line
As much as I detest waiting, it's often unavoidable. I always read. With an iPhone or iPad it's simple and reduces the frustration of waiting. And I don't read business books, which are among those that I get the least
Stop Right There
The way to stop bad behavior is to confront it on the spot. Any delay, any passivity, simply enables the behavior and emboldens the individual. This is especially true with passive/aggressive behavior, condescension, and disrespect. There is some discomfort in confrontation,
Wait, I Just Heard A Good Idea
When you're coaching others you'll often develop responses in the moment that are actually appropriate on many occasions. Make note of them while you're talking (it will appear as if you're simply taking notes). Don't keep reinventing the intellectual wheel.
The Coming Business Renaissance
I'm an optimist, and I think bright times are ahead. Consider me Paul Revere and not Chicken Little. I'd like to share with you why I feel this way and, much more importantly, how you can grow professionally and personally
I'm trained to look for distinctions, and I'm always curious as to why, even in these bizarre times, some individuals and businesses do so much better than others. We can point to broad generalities, such as "leadership" or "customer loyalty,"
A Business Boom Is Coming
Are you starting to received requests, referrals, and/or inquiries from clients and prospects? The vaccines are being administered, more stimulus was approved (and still more will now come with a Democratic Congress), and people are eager to personally and professionally
Au Revoir and Bienvenu
A lot of people are thinking, "Thank God 2020 is over!!" And, indeed, one metaphor is to shut that door and move on. But crises are also crucibles. They allow the strong to become stronger, to learn new approaches, to create
Please Pass the Fork
People often arrive at the metaphoric fork in the road. Many feel they can just keep charging straight ahead rather than stop to analyze which of the actual routes makes more sense in order to reach their goals. Sometimes they