Shutdown This
Perhaps if the government shutdown meant that no one in Congress or the Senate would receive any pay we wouldn't be in this moronic situation in the US. When incompetent people bear no adverse consequence for their actions, this is
Could You Return, Your Majesty?
In the US, our "lawmakers" can't seem to figure out a way to keep the government open, and if TSA launches a wildcat strike, the air traffic system will be shut down. Think of the medical treatments, weddings, family reunions,
Teaching and Learning
You can chalk this up to "He thinks things were always better in the past": • Teachers wore business attire when I went to grammar school. • They showed up at "open house" for parents in the evening, when people weren't working
The Egocentrism of the Elected
Can you imagine a corporation acting with its customers, employees, and suppliers the way our executive and legislative branches are now ceasing to cooperate? People would be fired, changes would be made, or firms would go out of business. Why can
I'm as pro-capitalism and American Dream as you can get. I believe in ensuring equal starts and level playing fields as a societal obligation. But I also believe that you reward talent, not merely participation. And you expect talent to
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Please join me in singing this delightful song as we begin our day. It's the only way to forestall the witch hunt currently in progress. And turn off any radio station that's too afraid of the witch hunters to play it.
I Self-Identify With Intellect
If there is anything more censorious, more restrictive of free speech, more polarizing, more smug, and more ignorant than political correctness, I don't know what it is. To put it another way, I'll use "they" as a singular pronoun only
Reflections on the Passing of George H.W. Bush
The following is an excerpt from the January edition of my newsletter Balancing Act®. I watched people of all persuasions and positions come together to pay respects to George H.W. Bush. I heard wonderful words, funny stories, and poignant remembrances. These often came from
The tributes to George H.W. Bush have been heartfelt and impressive, bringing many people of differing views together to mourn his passing. His values clearly apply to all of us. I found the exception to be the print reporter (Times?) who,
This Ain’t Right
Let's get this straight: The correct grammar is "should have run," not the idiotic, "should have ran." Sportscasters constantly use the latter including Troy Aikman a few days go. The correct grammar is "should have gone," not the execrable, "should have went."