Episode 126: Coronavirus
Why are we afraid of an illness that won't harm most of us but not of an illness that will kill 70,000 of us in the US alone annually? It might be a pandemic, but it's also an epidemic of fear.
Episode 125: Cobwebs in the Constitution
How a legislature full of multi-term attorneys is killing us and why we should send them out to harvest crops. Let's face it, there are several things related to this topic that need to be reviewed and updated.
Episode 124: Unassertiveness
Why we back up instead of move forward and what it means to have the courage of your talent. A lot of us are desperate to be liked.
Episode 123: Life and Death Struggle
How the news media and reporters distort fact for drama, trying to make the mundane magnificent. And, believe it or not, this comes from personal experience.
Episode 122: Skate to Where the Puck Will Be
Why Wayne Gretzky had it right and and the rest of us keep saying, "What the puck?" We know the puck will not stay where it is, that's a given. And, it's unlikely that it's going to come to us.
Episode 121: Inexplicable Errors
Why lies and fabrications stick to our histories like glue, and why we provide the glue. And, be sure to think about your own history, the story of your life that you're writing each day. Are you secure enough to jettison
Episode 120: What Criminal Designed the Prisons?
Our prisons would reflect a depraved society to anyone coming from another world and wondering how we can treat people this way. Dostoevsky once said "The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons."
Episode 119: Critics
Why they're important some of the time only, and the worst, most dangerous critic of all. There are no statues in the park dedicated to critics.
Episode 118: Why We Believe What We Believe
Sometimes it's hard to believe what we choose to believe, and here's why. We need to stop confirming what we'd like to believe, and start confirming what the facts tell us we should believe.
Episode 117: Limited Responses
Why it's negligent not to be ready for the most common responses. A lot of us are blowing it because we're not prepared.