Episode 139: Blinded by the Light
Examining our willingness to walk in what light we have. The truth of the matter is that people have to get back to work and the economy needs to reopen.
Episode 138: Small Blessings During Crisis
Even in the worst of times, good things emerge if we bother to experience them. These are a few small things that I'm grateful for during this crisis.
Episode 137: There Are Dogs and There Are Dogs
How to quickly determine if there IS a dog on the internet. We all know what a dog is, but there are multiple definitions.
Episode 136: The Helping Hand or Sleight of Hand?
Beware the hand reaching out to you, are they giving or taking? If we all spent less time whining about whose at fault for this crisis, and more time trying to help each other, we'd all get through this a lot
Episode 135: The Law
Why we have too many lawyers, too much law, and not nearly enough justice. Justice is about being fair and reasonable. Law is a system of rules.
Episode 134: Here’s A Tip
Why I loathe the miserly and how to act well when you're with one. Acting well is often too rare these days.
Episode 133: A Conversation With Lisa Larter (The Best Damn Technology Marketing Strategist On Earth)
For this special edition of The Uncomfortable Truth, I sit down with marketing strategist, Lisa Larter. Learn about the state of social media and relevant online marketing strategies to improve your reach, influence and business.
Episode 132: Risk/Reward
How to determine the odds of success and the important nature of your attitude. For years, I've written about risk and reward which are very important considerations for multiple areas of our lives.
Episode 131: The Objectification of Women
Straddling the third rail to raise points about hypocrisy in some choices. Trigger alert: some of you might not like this, but I hope to provoke thinking.
Episode 130: The Invasion of the Grievance Monsters
Wherein everyone demands everyone else's attention for every minor inconvenience, ending civilization as we know it. There's a reason they're called minor inconveniences.