Social Media Anachronisms
Someone on Linkedin is advertising an "authentic elevator pitch." Isn't this the planet Earth in 2020?
When I go over to work on my train layout for a little while most days, I get "lost" in the universe I've created. I don't live by others' rules or metrics. I mix eras, create novel scenes, establish my
How long before there are brawls and new laws about people wearing masks that have political or profane statements on them? Aren't masks a natural benefit to criminal acts? And I'm seeing a competition among elite and status masks. I'm not
It’s Only Been Ten Years, How Are You?
An interesting and disappointing recent phenomenon: I've had people who left my coaching communities long ago—they received what they needed and never felt a compunction to remain and contribute to others—suddenly show up again asking me for free help. They
Episode 137: There Are Dogs and There Are Dogs
How to quickly determine if there IS a dog on the internet. We all know what a dog is, but there are multiple definitions.
Six Inches of Social Distancing
These crowds we see on the news defying requirements for safety at the beaches and parks surely aren't surprising. There is a pent-up need to be "normally social" once again. As your clients' employees return to their offices, is there a
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 05/27/20
Today's word: plangent.
Memo for You Folks Who Want to Link
If you're trolling Linkedin (or any other such "meeting" place) let me give you some free advice which, from me, is worth a lot. Don't assume the object of your meeting affection is somehow "damaged." Stop asking to link and concurrently