Episode 87: A Scam Is A Scam Is A Scam
Why Ponzi is alive and well and calling it "multilevel marketing" is just lipstick on a pig. They provide no value to society. Zilch.
Episode 86: Why I Love Italians
How to allow Italy to seep into your blood. The rest of the world can learn a thing or two from Italy.
Episode 85: Chicken Little
The screaming "foul" by the fowl is killing all. Each time we're told that there's some good news, we're also told it won't last.
Episode 84: Crashing Standards
Whereby we lower standards in a berserk limbo competition for who can go lowest. These days, it seems people would rather set the bar lower than reach a certain standard.
Episode 83: The Football Metaphor and Gronk
Would you let your kids play football today, knowing what you know? Gronk is getting out just hoping it's not too late. I know sports are attractive and the money is often compelling, but the risks are quite clear.
Episode 82: The Absence of Ethics
With traditional sources trampled, how do we tell right from wrong? We need to ask what's right and not merely what's expedient.
Episode 81: The Nature of Hate
How the haters are always inferiors, and always focus on minorities. This needs to be ruthlessly confronted and annihilated.
Episode 80: Vaccinate This
Why rights aren't absolute and the ignorance of science. To avoid health protection for your kids is child abuse.
Episode 79: The Injustice of It All
Justice is overrated. It's not what happens to you, it's what you do about it. Seize control. Carpe diem. When you believe you're a victim, you disempower yourself.
Episode 78: Only the Best
Why is it revolutionary and shocking to suggest that NOT everyone deserves a turn at everything and we should focus on the best? People deserve their turn? No, they don't.