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Color Me Confused

Color Me Confused

Why do men insist on coloring their hair when they are well past the age of having such hair? Chris Cuomo, who is 76 and was part of the pre-presidential debate talk team on CNN, has a color of hair not seen anywhere else in nature. His hair should be grey or white, not a sort of decaying tree-bark brown. If it's a hairpiece, then he should go au naturel.

Al Michaels is a brilliant sportscaster, is older than I at 79, and his hair color resembles what I try to avoid stepping in after my dogs have been out in the yard in the mornings. Greg Gumbel, the sports show host, is 78 and looks as if his deep black hair has resulted from a tour of duty in a coal mine.

These are highly talented men, respected and wealthy, and who are aging as we all do. Why can't they be more comfortable in their own skin (and hair color)?

I'm reminded of the fabulous Howard Cosell, one of the most original of all the sports commentators, who had a toupee, had changed his name, and had extensive cosmetic surgery on his teeth, and whose catchphrase was, “I tell it like it is”!!


Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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