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Comedic Descent

Comedic Descent

We watched Chris Rock's new HBO special last night, “Tambourine.” It was about 500% more vulgar than anything I've seen him do, and it was less funny than anything I've seen him do. It was extremely therapeutic, I'd guess, because he talked about his divorce and the fact that he cheated, and that he's cleaning up his relationship act. The audience roared because he's Chris Rock, not because he was very funny.

But he descended into that moronic comedic world where the worst profanity is supposed to pass for intellect and humor.

It reminded me of a lot of speakers I know, who get up on stage not to help the audience, but to work out their own issues. (Somehow, a morbidly obese person telling me to “take control of my life” lands flat with me.) Psychologists have an unusually high suicide rate because the profession draws troubled people trying to solve those troubles..

Almost all humor is based in pain, but I don't really want to be caused pain by listening to someone else's angst.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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