In the Catholic Church one confesses sins (Reconciliation) prior to Easter. The Jews have a day of atonement, Yom Kippur. I thought it was time for me to make some secular confessions:
• I don't get Pharrell.
• The NCAA playoffs may be the purest major athletic event remaining in the US.
• Why is it that the country/western genre has more talented, beautiful female singers than any other?
• I drove an electric car and I would have rather been in the back seat reading a book.
• Please don't talk to me about cultural differences, you don't kill zoo animals to cull them, and you don't invite the public to watch.
• Why is it okay—and generates awards—to mock Mormons on Broadway but it's risky to even criticize Muslims in an editorial?
• Say what you will, but the voting in Afghanistan the other day, with people in line for hours in adverse weather despite terrorist threats, shows more interest and hope than the lousy voter turnouts here.
• After all this time, I find Facebook represents vast loneliness to me, with neediness in second place.
• I would not trust most of the people I've been exposed to as a member of Mensa to walk Buddy Beagle.
• Why people watch The View astounds me.
• I look back nearly six years and see nothing at all exceptional about the accomplishments of the President and his administration.
• Unionizing college athletics may be legal but that doesn't mean it's not dumb.
• Some people seem to exist just through inertia and momentum. Matt Lauer comes to mind.
• The people I would deport are those who begin every day in an ugly mood.
© Alan Weiss 2014
Alex Saloutos
While the Affordable Care Act may have room for improvement, millions of Americans who were not able to get health insurance before because of preexisting conditions, myself included, now can. It is literally a life saver because of the efforts of the president and congress. I and my family are most thankful for this.
alan WEISS
Alex, I’m happy that you benefitted from the Affordable Care Act. But a highly imperfect, single piece of controversial major legislation in six years from someone who was going to “change the Washington culture” is woefully insignificant. Obama couldn’t change Washington, then failed to even try to learn the skills to be successful there, as did Clinton and Reagan. And the thing worse than even Jimmy Carter, the poorest of all modern presidents, is that this will last eight years instead of four.
I recently saw Pharrell’s interview on Oprah Prime and he surprised me. What a tender soul. As a fan of Despicable Me 2, it was intriguing hearing the story behind the song, “Happy” and seeing the global impact. Beautiful!
Roger S Balser
I just received a letter from my insurance company that as of May they would no longer be offer the insurance that has insured my family for the past 5 years. This was due to ObamaCare. My policy was a high deductible policy.
Aren’t we still living in America? The land of opportunity and choice?
I guess not because I can not choose to have the insurance policy I would like.
But then again this controversial legislation helped Alex and his family and will cost myself and my family more.
Oh well, I am thankful I have Alan Weiss to assist me with making more money to pay for my new policy which has tripled in cost.
Best of luck to you Alex.