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Consulting Tips of the Trade

Consulting Tips of the Trade

Here are some incredibly easy tips to stay ahead of the pack that most consultants simply ignore or aren’t disciplined about.

  1. Speed: “Right from the outset, we saw how quickly you responded and realized that was lacking with people in the past,” said a brand new client of mine a week ago, whose business was closed while I was in France, never having met. Proposals, meetings, reports, debriefings, promised items—get them there fast. Using Fedex is a cost of doing business. The Internet is free last time I looked.
  2. Attention to detail: If you can’t learn to use grammar and punctuation correctly for some unfathomable reason, then find a good proofreader and/or editor. When there are mistakes in your communications with clients or your promotional material people wonder how much attention you’re paying. (There will ALWAYS be mistakes, we’re not perfect, but the idea is to minimize them.)
  3. Independent expertise: When you constantly quote others as verification for your approaches (Oswald’s Decision Model, or Karponsky’s Supply Chain Theory), then why do I need you? Why don’t I simply go to the source? What’s your contribution to thought leadership?
  4. Assertion of value: Many of you reading this are afraid to make follow-up calls, or instead use far lower profile (and far more ineffective) email to follow-up. What are you afraid of, bothering someone??? If you believe you have value, then pursue buyers. The worst they can tell you is “No,” but they won’t tell you anything if you sit by the phone and wish for it to ring.
  5. Perspective on methodology: No client was ever improved by methodology. The client was improved by the RESULTS of the methodology, and ten times out of nine there are alternatives to create those results. Don’t default to how you do things. Find out what the client needs and work backwards, using the shortest and easiest methods, not necessarily a 24-step process you’re in love with.
  6. Ask, don’t just tell: The very best people with whom I work are constantly asking. On Alansforums.com I remind some people that there is no “faculty,” so you can’t just sit back and offer opinions and advice. The consulting meetings we’ve all attended where a bunch of people sit around and tell each other how good they are and how things should be done according to them produce one thing: old, unsuccessful consultants.

    © Alan Weiss 2011. All rights reserved.

    Written by

    Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

    Comments: 6

    • Mark

      April 15, 2011

      “Amen” to #5! In my field (sales) it seems every consultant has their own branded methodology and several pages of flowchart spaghetti to illustrate it–despite the fact that selling really isn’t rocket science (or even model-rocket science). When you reduce their processes to fundamentals, they are mostly the same.

    • ArunKumar Krishnamurthy

      April 16, 2011

      Dear Alan,

      This is a great post. Although we already know some of the points that you have highlighted, they way in which you have summarized and presented is very handy. Just keep doing such great work. Staying in India it is not that easily affordable for me to attend your valuable sessions. At least the posts like this help me to know your thoughts and stay in touch with your ideas.


    • Alan Weiss

      April 16, 2011

      Arun, India is one of the few places I want to go to but haven’t been able to get to, yet. One of these days I’ll either get a client, or just go on vacation!

    • Joseph

      April 21, 2011

      Dear Alan,
      You got another attendee for your session in India. Please do visit us.


    • Alan Weiss

      April 21, 2011

      Joseph, when 20 people send me money I’l have a session in India!

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