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Development from 99 cents and up

Development from 99 cents and up

The Alans World App is now available in the iTunes store: https://itunes.apple…d718208705?mt=8

I'm creating a new Six Figures to Seven group (627) of no more than a dozen people beginning later this quarter. We meet in person and by phone and have assignments over six months of time together. You can register with me directly: [email protected]. The fee is $7,500.

I am conducting another Shameless Promotion session on Feb. 26-27 at my home. Many people feel this is the most powerful experience I conduct. Six people maximum, three seats remain. Meals are included. Increase your visibility, repute, and impact in writing, speech, and technology. $4,000. Go here: http://summitconsulting.com/seminars/shameless_promotion.phphttp://summitconsulting.com/seminars/shameless_promotion.php

My teleconference on Nov. 26 requires only a $25 donation (check only, or receipt from an animal welfare organization outside the US) to the East Greenwich Animal Protection League. I'll be covering the specific questions to gain and guarantee conceptual agreement with any buyer.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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