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Dumb Ass Stupid Management: The Postal Morass

Dumb Ass Stupid Management: The Postal Morass

I sent a book to Germany. The book sells for $25 and the postage was $47 for priority mail. Two weeks later a get a postal notice in a glassine envelope with the original address label telling me the package was destroyed while being processed somewhere in transit in the postal service (not in Germany). The book was not returned, nor was there any form for reimbursement, but there was a note saying, “We hope you're not inconvenienced.”

I went to the post office and the clerk told me there was nothing to be done but there was a claims site online. I wen't online, found it, and submitted everything requested, including two uploads of proof. In an hour I received an email telling me my claim couldn't be processed because of internal technical errors, and I should “try again later” or call a service number.

I called the service number and none of the options given pertained to a claim, and there was no way to reach a live agent. The robot did refer me to…..the website.

If the postal serve were a private company (today it's “quasi-governmental,” which would make a Taurus a “quasi-Ford, I guess) it would be out of business, bankrupt and completely inept. There are even worse postal services (Canada and Australia come to mind) but this is an embarrassment.

Oh, yeah: The local postmaster doesn't return calls, hard copy letters, or emails. Nice work if you can get it.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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