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Dumb Ass, Stupid Management: Venmo

Dumb Ass, Stupid Management: Venmo

Someone asked if, as a favor, I'd accept a $700 payment via Venmo. Although I have an account that someone set up for me, I've never used it because I think it's Mickey Mouse (no ill will intended toward the rodent). I don't use PayPal, either. Nor corporate client has ever paid me in any form other than a corporate check or a credit card. (I also don't accept old jewelry.)

Venmo informed me they had received the payment from this person, but it (and/or I) was “suspicious” and I had to provide photos of a driver's license, proof of my address, and a blood sample of my first born. I told them this was crazy and tossed the email. They've refused to budge, so I told them to resend the email. They haven't. Their “contact” page is circular, you can't call or write to them, they keep referring you to irrelevant topics and FAQs. A Fedex to their CEO stimulated zero action. No surprise, I wasn't expecting this place to be run by a genius.

This is the world of the amateurs. We're guilty till proved innocent, let's assume the customer is cheating, and we're going to hold your money for no damned reason. I can live without $700 but I won't be treated condescendingly by the dumb-ass, stupid management at Venmo. I've since been told they pull this a lot, and I imagine they're getting a healthy “float” on all this money that isn't theirs but that they're keeping in their accounts.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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