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Ecologic Change or Fall?

Ecologic Change or Fall?

For the past several years we've had less fish in the large pond than ever before, and those remaining are quite small fish. There is evidence that one of our two very big snapping turtles has died.

We also have more gorgeous monarch butterflies than I've ever seen at one time, often twenty or more visiting the butterfly bush. We have a dozen hummingbirds, despite not even installing their feeder this year. (One visits daily at my den window, hovering like a maniacal helicopter, watching me work at my desk and apparently thinking, “Thank goodness I'm free!”) We've had a red fox, two-thirds the size of Koufax, lounging on our front step, dozens of wild turkeys, two eagles, river otters, and a handful of deer come over the bridge.

Seasons change. That turtle was at least 30 years old and could have been 100 for all I know. Flooding might have taken out the larger fish over the past couple of years. There is no sense panicking. The only sense is in rejoicing in new developments and sensations.

As I write this, a strong wind is taking thousands of leaves from our hundreds of trees. It's not the end of the world. It's simply autumn approaching.

© Alan Weiss 2007. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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