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False Humility

False Humility

Occasionally, someone is spouting off about the need to be “humble.” They feel that humility is important in professional services.

Think about that. They feel that way because they feel inadequate and are afraid to make a case for their own abilities lest they be “outed” as an “imposter.”

Would you be comfortable with a surgeon who said, “Well, there are a lot of good surgeons, and I may not be seen as among the top ones, but I will try to do my absolute best for you.” How about an attorney who mentions, “The law is often difficult, and I've made my share of mistakes, but I think we have a pretty good chance of winning if the opposition isn't too strong. They do have more experience than i do.”

I want a surgeon who thinks he or she is God and says, “I can take care of this, you will be better than ever,” and a litigator who says, “We will blow them away with a case so strong they'll beg to settle.”

True humility is understanding the worth of others, it is not demeaning ourselves or denying our gifts. When people do the latter, it's because they don't really feel adequate or above average, and it's sad.

(I was going to put this in my blog category of “It's not your mother's fault,” but when I thought about it, maybe it IS your mother's fault.)

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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