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Here’s A Tip

Here's a tip

Here’s A Tip

Whether you “approve” or not, tipping is the common practice in the US and we need to honor it. A great many people—from waiters to valets, from curbside baggage handlers to hotel maids, from doormen to taxi drivers—make a substantial part of their livelihood in this manner. Attempts at raising salaries and maintaining a “no tipping” policy have largely failed.

A tip is dependent on your assessment of service, not on your mood or your being philosophically opposed to the system. I actually like the restaurants that automatically add 18% to the bill. I tip beyond that in all cases. (A lot of people can't quickly figure out a 20% tip, another tribute to our failing educational system.)

You aren't expected to tip like that in Europe, of course, where even my European friends admit that the service standards are horrible. My favorite experience was in Iceland, where one of my clients asked for some salt and waiter snarled, “Is there anything ELSE you require before I make still another trip??!!”

Yes, I require you walk out the door and just keep going.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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