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Imperfect (But Successful) Alan

Imperfect (But Successful) Alan

One of the major reasons that I was able to begin my solo practice with no brand whatsoever and build it into one where corporate giants were calling me was that I was very fast in resolving problems and exploiting opportunities for my clients.

I like to tell people that this was caused by my superior intellect but, in reality, I simply found alternatives that would work quickly despite their flaws. Other consulting firms (and most people) waste their lives away (or other people's money) trying to create the perfect answer. I merely found answers that would work even though they might need mid-course corrections, or tolerating some flaws.

We once owned a really nice Jaguar which required a quart of oil every month! So what?

Legislatures, committees, task forces (and some married couples) seek the unfindable and wait for the impossible. Do you want to be healthy, wealthy, and wise? Make the best of everything around you.

Just don't try to make it THE PERFECT best.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Waheeda

    February 28, 2018

    Great post! Two of the hardest things are to simply start and the other is resisting the allure of perfection by getting a solution out the door quickly and iterating.

  • Justin Megawarne

    March 3, 2018

    It is said: “The perfect is the enemy of the good.”
    Let’s iterate: “The perfect is the enemy of the good-enough.”

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