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Is There A Good Consultant In The House?

Is There A Good Consultant In The House?

We'll be in Kyoto for the election, I'm happy to report. Odd fact: Much of the Republican leadership doesn't support their candidate; there are charges of harassment against him; he hasn't released his tax returns; he keeps shooting himself in the foot every time he speaks; he did not debate well; the media, in any election, lean heavily democratic in their coverage; the sitting President carried about 90% of the African-American vote and he's actively campaigning; the Democrats have raised far more money. Yet, the polls show the election to be very close. What does that tell you?

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 4

  • Just another voter with no good candidates to choose from.

    November 6, 2016

    It tells me that as disgusted as people are with Trump, they are as disgusted with Hillary and her well-documented history of corruption.

  • Pamela G. Riordan

    November 6, 2016

    Thanks for posting this, Alan! What does this tell you, I’m curious!

  • Jim Smith

    November 7, 2016

    It reminds me that a semi-serious thing I learned in a college poli-sci course is still mostly true: Most voters do not think and are woefully uninformed about anything; you could run a dead pig for office and they’d vote for it if it declared the right party affiliation!
    I believe it was just a few election cycles ago that a Missouri congressman was killed in a high profile plan crash just prior to election day, and he was elected by a wide margin. Did it matter that he was dead? Naw, just as long as he was a Republican!
    Thanks for a great reminder that those OTHER PEOPLE are just as sincere in wanting the best outcome. On Tuesday nite we can all have a beer together.

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