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Last week, while in New York City, I broadcast my first-ever Facebook Live to talk about the release of my new book, Lifestorming, written with Marshall Goldsmith.

It’s a very important book for people who seek to take control of their life, destiny, and legacy.

In today's world, people are constantly searching for happiness, to become the person they want to be, and for strategies to redesign their life, friends, behaviors, and beliefs.

Combined, Marshall and I have authored almost 100 books on human behavior, and Lifestorming is THE book that can change your life.

You’ll learn why you do the things the way you do them, and how to do them even better and easier. You’ll learn the six building blocks of character, how to challenge your belief system, how to develop a leadership mindset, and much more.

Most importantly, you'll learn how you can overcome the fear and guilt about success which sometimes plague many people.

For a limited time, pre-publication, when you purchase one, ten, or twenty-five copies of this book, you can immediately benefit from bonuses I’ve put together specifically to help you.

If you’ve ever wanted to jump on Skype or Zoom and have a private coaching call with me, you’ll want to check these bonuses out!

lifeYou can read all about the book, and this special offer that is available to you here -> http://alanweiss.com/lifestorming/

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 1

  • David Barnes

    June 5, 2017

    New Horizons. Consultant and contractor for 10 years, then living with serious cancer since 2009. Looking after my two boys full time and doing ok despite two relapses. Extremely good opportunities for personal development but managing the circle of friends is a real challenge as I have to carefully manage who I let into the circle and who to jettison. Courageous open thinkers are needed but you need to look in the right places. There is a lot of commonality in creative business and forged an alternative health path against the ‘prevailing commercial-based wisdom”.

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