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Living Room

Living Room

Think of an empty large auditorium, or playing field, or ballroom. There is nothing but room, and a great deal of potential for all kinds of activities and pursuits.

But you immediately begin thinking of your “personal life” and “business life” and “life balance.” Now you have a great divider, cutting the space in half, or in unequal portions. And then you include your stresses, guilt, fears, obligations, commitments, “bucket lists,” and so forth, and you've created small rooms, corridors, obstructions, detours, one-way streets, and dead ends.

The large, high potential space has become a maze, confining and confusing, and utterly frustrating.

So understand that you merely have one “life” and you should live it freely, to your advantage, absolving yourself of guilt and shame, limiting you obligations and commitments, and helping yourself so that you're better able to help others.

A lot of you, as am I, are refugees from larger companies and bosses. You went out on your own with an entrepreneurial mindset.

And not you have a worse boss than before.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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