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London Again V

London Again V

Concluded the Mentor Summit yesterday, worked on strategy with the Baglioni top management group, and dined last night at the outstanding Scott’s in Mayfair, with Stuart Cross and I.

Heading home today after some morning meetings. It’s interesting that London television news in the morning seems intent on scaring viewers to death: disease, strikes, conflict, accidents, scandals—a litany of horrors, all overplayed for the sake of trying to impress, I guess. It’s delivered with a studied monotone, inevitably by two people, where the one not speaking looks studiously bored.

While I was here, Prince Charles and Camilla were shown doing weather reports on TV, with the Prince focusing on weather over his castles. Sometimes I feel as if I don’t understand the language.

The hotel Internet connection, which is free, is also spotty, so I used my iPhone as a “hot spot” and that works perfectly. The Baglioni remains the finest boutique hotel in London, not to be missed.

Most lasting sentiment from a week in London: The diversity of my global community participants from so many different countries and languages, commonly seeking approaches to acquire and improve client relationships, a universal pursuit. In my earlier report, I think I omitted Japan and Israel, both represented here, as well.

I’m headed for the world-class Virgin Atlantic Upperclass lounge at heathrow, then on to Boston.

Just some of he dining "tools" provided at Scott's for the variety of seafood.

© Alan Weiss 2012. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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