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Longevity and Relationships

Longevity and Relationships

I don't believe in these great, personal declarations of love posted on Facebook. I guess they're mostly sincere but, frankly, I find them to be vast over-compensation. When you feel you have to constantly confirm your love for someone publicly and on the internet, I think you're trying to prove something more than proclaim something, and to yourself, not others.

Nevertheless, I figured it might be nice to mention to people that our 50th wedding anniversary is in August. That was about the entire length of the post, but there have been well over a hundred complimentary posts and hundreds more “likes” or “reacts” or whatever already.

Yet, this is what we used to do. You got engaged, then you got married, then you had kids. An intact family and regular dinner table were the norm. You paid for your kids' college tuition so that they weren't indebted for the rest of their lives. Then, God willing, the kids did the same and you had grandchildren while you were young enough to enjoy them.

That's what we've done. That's what everybody did. I don't think we deserve plaudits for longevity. But I'm convinced—far beyond “those were the days”—that the sequence I mention produced the longevity that seems to shock everyone so much today.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 1

  • René Vidal

    May 11, 2018

    Well-deserved Alan! As always, thanks for generosity in sharing.

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