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On to Rome

On to Rome

The car picks us up later today to go to Logan Airport and we'll fly from Boston to Rome overnight, pick up a car, and drive to Forte dei Marmi (the marble fort). You can see our villa here: http://www.villafortedeimarmi.it/villa-gallery.html

My son won this in a charity poker game, along with his and his latest squeeze's airfare from LA. We're all converging, including the legendary Cousin Jimmy of one of my signature stories, and his wife and daughters. The place sleeps 10 and has a staff. On Monday we visit my wife's and Jimmy's ancestral home in Carmagnola, outside of Torino. In the square is a monument with the names of the founders of the village, where prominently listed is “Gallo.” (And my wife's upset with me because I put a sign along our two-acre pond, “Alan's Lake”!)

We have about a three-hour drive from Rome, but we may take a longer detour to drive along the sea.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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