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Kim Wilkerson brings to my attention some guy in South Africa who is sponsoring an evening of fire walking and cocktails! I can't imagine any potential problems there, can you?

I recall not long ago so many injuries at a fire walking event that the onsite team couldn't handle them all and the EMTs had to be called.

I guess that particular group just wasn't sufficiently motivated. Maybe they should practice the equally effective techniques of self-levitation.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 2

  • Tim Ferris

    April 19, 2017

    There’s a cautionary tale from James Arthur Ray that became a movie:

    “ENLIGHTEN US: THE RISE AND FALL OF JAMES ARTHUR RAY is the story of the motivational rock star’s meteoric rise, fall and return to the $11 billion self-help industry after his negligent homicide conviction in the death of three clients at a sweat lodge at one of his events. As this story unfolds, we learn from Ray, his followers and his accusers, about how their methods of self-improvement ultimately caused so much suffering. ENLIGHTEN US asks the important questions, “What are we looking for” and “Who has the answers” and even the simple question “Why?””

    We viewed the movie on Netflix or Amazon a few months back. I cannot provide a good link here to where to view it now.

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