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Here's a prediction; Within 10 years there will be three major newspapers in the US—New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USAToday. They will publish “localized editions” for major cities. But papers such as exist now for Dallas or Chicago, of San Francisco, or Miami will cease to exist. There will be local newspapers, probably weeklies, as there are today, which will report on local school meetings and athletics, who made Eagle Scout, new shopping centers, and public notices.

Similarly, broadcast TV as we know it on ABC, NBC, Fox, and CBS will cease to exist in terms of original programming and season-long dramas. They will carry sports and news, crisis reporting, national election debates, and perhaps children's shows. The rest of the time will be turned over to local stations. (As I write this there are plans to turn the 10-11 pm spot over to local affiliates right now.) Everything else will be on streaming services.

My time frame might be twice as long as will actually be the case. Five years wouldn't surprise me.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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