Sales Talk Teleconference
Early notice for my faithful blog readers! If you want to register even before it's up on my site, contacts follow for credit card. Note that you MUST include your email address as well as card number and expiration date, or I can't send instructions!
Phone: 800/766-7935 (401/884-2778) Do not ask me to call you back, the line is private, leave the information.
Fax: 401/884-5068
Email: [email protected]
[Note. Effective today 7/24/09, you may now register for this teleconference online: ]
Sales Talk
Join me for a special, 60-minute teleconference which will focus on ten different key moments in the sales process. I will role-play, with an assistant, ten critical steps in securing business.
You can download this onto your iPod or similar device, and listen to the relevant exercise just before your own sales call or meeting. If you use it during the meeting, don't let the prospect see the ear pieces!
Here are the ten, five-minute segments:
• Opening a meeting
How do you seize the initiative, make sure you follow your game plan, use the allotted time to move to the next step?
• Dealing with common objections
What if the “timing isn't right,” or “we didn't budget for this,” or “you should go see our human resources directory”?
• Dealing with tough objections
How to prevent being clobbered by “Have you worked in this industry?” or “How many people do you employ?” or “How much experience do you have?”
• Suggesting a project
How do you stop listening to someone's life history or arcane technical problems and actually find a pony in the room?
• Establishing objectives
How to create business outcomes in five minutes with the buyer.
• Creating metrics
How to identify measures of success in five minutes.
• Formulating value
How to help the buyer acknowledge the value and ROI (yes, in five minutes).
• Moving toward the pre-proposal close
How to establish definitive next steps that maximize the chances of your proposal being accepted.
• Closing the deal
How to follow up on the proposal and move forward with payment, starting date, and unequivocal commitment.
• Free-for-all
Dealing with nutty problems, such as a buyer who drones on; hostile questions; avoiding being delegated away; and an unfinished meeting.
This will NOT be a Q&A format with the audience. It will be my traditional hour of high-content, very pragmatic demonstration using one assistant (whom I will then levitate after the session, but you'll have to take that on faith if you don't buy the video).
A great many people do their best to learn from a variety of performance aids, but there's nothing like the quick refresher in the car, in the hallway, in the lounge, or in the restroom just prior to that key meeting!
Here's the Deal
You may attend the live session (we're limited to 300 by the number of lines), and access a recording of the session, and receive a free download of the session, or partake of any one or two, up to you. The price is $60! That's six dollars per technique. What's the ROI in that?!
But wait! Order two or more….oops, that’s a different commercial.
If you place your order prior to August 15, the price is $50.
If you do nothing, and do not register, but decide to purchase the download after the session when it goes on sale, the price is $150. So don't say I didn't warn you.
For those of you who are new to consulting, who are “stuck” at a certain place, or who just want to validate that what they're doing is the best of the best, this is a great opportunity.
When you register, I'll confirm, and send logistics the week prior to the session.
“Thank you for a great teleconference call this morning. Three outcomes already:
• My confidence went up
• I ditched some tentative obligations that were like rocks around my neck
• This afternoon I sold a 350K project!”
Constance R. Dierickx, Ph.D.
Senior Consultant RHR International Co.
The session will take place on September 21, 2009 at noon, U.S. Eastern time. That way, you can end the summer (that's the final day of summer here, apologies to my Australian and New Zealand friends) and head into the fall and the “buying season” with renewed energy and tools. The recording will be available within a day, 24 hours a day, and the download within 48 hours, and will be automatically forwarded to all registrants.
I've been asked to do this for quite some time, and the right timing and inclination have come together. Perhaps because I'm a Pisces, I don't know. But I hope you'll join me for an intense, immediately useful session.
(Oh, yeah: In case you don't already have it, everyone who registers will receive a download for free: 101 Questions for Every Sales Situation You'll Ever Face. I wanted to see if you read this far.)
NOTE: Absolutely no refunds or credits of any kind. You have access to a recording and download if you can't make the “live” session. Also, you may not sell or distribute the recording and/or download, nor invite other people to listen. That's like, illegal. This is intended solely for your personal use. Please blink in the next hour if you agree to these terms. Thank you.
Mike Meikle
Gah! I blinked! Now I’m on the hook…
Alan Weiss
I learned that from Microsoft….