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Saturday Night Dead

Saturday Night Dead

We watched the first hour of the 50th anniversary of SNL last night, and it was beyond lame. Aside from the prior hour's “red carpet” dumb and dumber interviews, the skits on the show—and I expected the historic great ones—were new and terribly unfunny. Eddie Murphy was the lone standout in “Black Jeopardy” because the guy is a true talent. Even Steve Martin was awful as the night's host. SNL has been living on fumes for a decade or more, as the cast continually declined in talent, the writers in creativity, and the audience in sophistication. It became the “in” program, but then evolved into “The Emperor Has No Clothes.” And I understand that some of the stuff is written or changed at the last minute, but millions of people can stand on a stage and read cue cards with some emotion. It's become a high school talent show with the audience very sympathetic and cheering the kids on.

I did enjoy Kevin Costner, in the audience chewing gum, trying to look down Cher's dress.

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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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