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School Daze

School Daze

Yesterday morning I’m driving home from working out and encounter a school bus coming toward me on its usual rounds. l dutifully stop across from it as its red lights flash and the onboard monitor walks out. She is, this is troubling in a politically correct sort of way, much heavier than is healthy. Much.

She chats with the parents for a while, then her duty is to check under the bus for children or animals, front and rear. But she cannot bend at the waist, so she stares at the front right tire, then the left rear tire, then states at the front right tire again, chats with the parents, and reboards the bus.

There could have been a mountain lion under that bus and she never would have been able to detect it.

The bus departed and there were seven cars behind me and 22 behind the bus, stretched to the next intersection up the road. What might have taken 30 seconds to board children took three minutes. How many times did this occur during this one bus route?

Anyone who believes that government intervention and legislation is the automatic solution to social issues needs to think again. A questionable practice to begin with, the politically correct stance of hiring anyone without regard for whether they can physically do the job creates empty symbolism instead of pragmatic improvement.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 4

  • Alan Burke

    September 15, 2018

    Government intervention almost always creates more difficulty for whomever, and wherever it’s aimed at. It’s even intrusive outside the US for those uneducated about politics outside our own country. What do you think of this, no pay for all high level political positions, purely voluntary. This way, because there is no incentive financially, they MUST be doing it for the right reasons. If one thinks they should create rules, legislation, etc. that impacts daily life for all, then they should have been successful in the free market, produced value, saved and invested for them and their families future. I read articles about politicians spending thousands of dollars on pens, over $50k for remote controlled curtains, private flights, etc. If they want to live well, great, but it should come out of their own pocket, not ours. Just an opinon. Cheers

  • René Vidal

    September 15, 2018

    Hilarity on the mountain lion. 🙂

    Look I’m a believer in “80% ready move” as much as the next bus driver but if Don Shula didn’t believe “perfection” were possible, there’d be no perfect season.

    We need to do our homework, we need to “prepare to play” and we need to use discretion, to be wise.

    Whether it’s government or the private sector or how the server greets you, most of the time we know excellence when we see it.

    Of course it’s better that we create excellence ourselves and raise awareness around what top performance really looks like.

    “Perfection is not optional.”–Peter Diamandis

  • Praveen Puri

    September 15, 2018

    I’ve never seen a monitor in the Chicago area. School buses always just have a driver who stays on the bus. The kids just get on.

  • Alan Weiss

    September 15, 2018

    Not here!

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