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“Snail Mail” Is an Insult to Snails

“Snail Mail” Is an Insult to Snails

I have to wonder about the intelligence of companies that dun you before your bill is due, then dun you if it's a few days late, even if it's for $60 and the credit line is in the thousands. Do they really think this is avoidance and not the post office, or bad timing if you're out of town? And how much does it cost them to “collect” the $60 when they have agents leaving messages and numbers to call back?

By the way, I had to stop payment on an insurance premium mailed two weeks prior to the due date and send another check by courier. The original check arrived in another week—the postal service took three weeks to send a check, first class, to an address ten miles away.

And sometimes, I simply don't received bills until they're actually due because of the postal service's slowness and the fact that the company billing me doesn't use first class mail in order to save a few cents.

(I know about electronic payments, but I don't like using them for security purposes.)

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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