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St. Lucia Continues

St. Lucia Continues

A lot of great ideas in the Million Dollar Club meeting yesterday morning. I've noted the “retail/wholesale” diversification, which Andrew Sobel brought up. And Rob Nixon, who promised me a great idea, delivered as promised. I think it will provide me with the catapult to provide more value for the boutique firms in consulting, which are only about 15% of my practice today (as compared to solo practitioners).

Snorkeled in the afternoon, and had a fine surprise with a small but frightening moray eel I came upon. He didn't seem pleased by the visit. It's the rainy season, so it pours for ten minutes on occasion and then stops, but we're fine under the huts. Lunch is served hot on the beach.

Last night we dined at Jade Mountain, which entailed a bone-jarring, 15-minute ride, a 2-minute shuttle, and four flights of stairs to the most amazing vista of stars and heavens I've seen since I was lot in the Norwegian woods in 1963! We had cocktails on the top of this 30-room resort, looking across the bay at the mountain (Piton) and the Ladera Resort that we had come from. The food was wonderful. (A bird just flew in from of me in my living room as I wrote that. It's fascinating living with no “fourth wall,” and simply sharing the place with the mountainside.)

Tomorrow we return to Miami.

© Alan Weiss 2009. All rights reserved.

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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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