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Stop Self-Editing

Stop Self-Editing

I've written 49 books which appear in 11 languages. I've worked with major publishers' editors for 25 years, 90 percent of whom have been helpful and improved my work, and their recommendations have been subtle, nuanced, and never involve major rewrites.

Why is it we spend so much time editing ourselves? I find too many people who immediately question every thought in their head (although apparently that doesn't occur to people positing on Facebook), stop, waver, stop again, and then change their comment, sentence, or direction. They fear being imperfect, rejected, mocked, or challenged.

Who cares?

Write what you believe in, speak with passion, and stop worrying about what others will think or do. Take a position. Your self-editor is far worse than any editor with whom I've ever dealt. Fire your self-editor and stop rewriting your life.

© Alan Weiss 2013

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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