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The Agenda Bucket

The Agenda Bucket

Our comments and opinions are often judged by how well they fit into another person's agenda. They aren't evaluated on truth, or accuracy, or insight, but solely on the basis of whether they confirm the other person's bias. If you point out a flawed argument or questionable statement from someone who happens to be a woman, inevitably someone accuses you of bias against women. I remember commenting once that we were experiencing a very cold winter in the midst of debates about climate change and I was told, “Your problem is that you're a ‘denier.'” No, that's not my problem, that narrow view of others is your problem.

Once we drop someone in an agenda bucket, they are henceforth disregarded. Somehow I don't think it's healthy to vote for politicians who represent us in foreign relations, debt, military interventions, and so forth based solely on their stands on immigration or abortion or climate or vaccines.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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