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The Frisbee Rule

The Frisbee Rule

Bentley and I try to get some Frisbee in every day. It's easy for me, I stand in one spot at the top of the yard and he races downhill after the disk (for the analytic among you, in excess of 32 MPH), and then returns it to me. When I'm done exercising my wrist muscles, I call, “Bring it in,” and he heads for the back door and a biscuit (as does Buddy Beagle, knowing if Bentley gets a biscuit, he gets one).

However, sometimes Bentley has had enough. It may be hot, or my throws may not be adequate, and he simply keeps the Frisbee and goes into the shade where he flips over and rubs his back, indicating he has a massage appointment.

Don't keep returning to work, or jobs, or stress that you are exhausted by. Don't enable more of it. Go elsewhere.

Don't return the Frisbee.

© Alan Weiss 2015photo 2[1] (1)2015-05-29 22.12.51

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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