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The Harder and Smarter I Work, the Luckier I Become

The Harder and Smarter I Work, the Luckier I Become

It's not unusual for a professional sports league to admit after a game and review, that officials made errors in not making the right calls. Some of these affected the outcome of the game, including playoff and championship games. Those calls and the results have never been retroactively reversed to my knowledge.

The same holds true in our businesses and lives. “Upon review,” we find we were wronged, or not acknowledged, or misunderstood through  no fault of our own. There is no cosmic accountant up in the ethos with sleeve protectors and a visor in charge of rebalancing the injustice.

The most successful people I've worked with don't cry over bad “calls” and bad luck. They learn from them and atone for the events themselves. It's akin to when someone is fired (and I talk from personal experience): You get distraught or angry. The former throws you to the curb. The latter puts you on a horse to charge forward. We need to take control of our lives and stop blaming the fates.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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