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The Language of Help

The Language of Help

Most CEO biographies (and especially autobiographies) aren't very helpful in changing our own behaviors and success rates. That's because they talk about what worked for them under certain conditions, and don't explain how it can work for us under our conditions.

There's a big difference between telling others how you do things, and teaching them how to do things.

You can always try to pick up ideas from others' successes. But I doubt emulating Steve Jobs's unhygienic habits, undermining subordinates, making excessive demands, and reneging on promises will help most leaders. Of course, his practice of not tolerating internecine warfare IS quite useful and should be applied far more often in corporate America. You can be taught how  to deal with these undermining “turf battles.”

Simply studying success isn't sufficient to improve your own success. But finding someone who can help you adapt and exploit the practices of success will help tremendously. That's a big difference.

Too many people today are trying to go from “good to great” without realizing what “great” is for them, or if it's even worth the trip. Too many engage in quality initiatives that never provide an ROI. Too many “reengineered” themselves into the ground.

Find people who can teach you, not merely tell you. They are as rare in business as they are on college campuses.

© Alan Weiss 2013

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 1

  • Pat Tith

    July 9, 2013

    Excellent perspective in this post. You put into words what I have always intuitively thought but never articulated.


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